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Payment Options

Academy Water and Sanitation District Payment Options

1. After you receive your bill in the mail you may continue to mail the payment through USPS.

2.  If you would like to have your monthly bill paid through an automatic withdrawal from your checking account: print the 2 page Auto Withdrawal Application attached below; complete and sign the application; and mail the application to the address listed at the bottom of the second page of the form.

3.   Academy Water and Sanitation District is pleased to announce that we are now  also able to take payments online. By working with the Colorado Statewide Internet Portal Authority (SIPA) on their secured platform, you can click on the link below to make your payment with a credit card or e-check. Credit cards accepted are American Express, Discover, Mastercard, and Visa. A portal administration fee for credit card payments or electronic check payments will be charged and retained by the Portal ( not the District).

 A convenience fee of $1 will be charged for payments made using an electronic check regardless of the transaction amount.

The convenience fee for credit cards are as follows:  the amount of the (payment + $.75 x 2.25%) + $.75 (example for a payment of $10.00): ($10 + $.75) x 2.25% = $10.75 x 2.25% = $.24 + $.75=$.99. Your card would be charged $10.99 for the transaction.

Make a Credit Card Payment

Note: You may also sign up for Informed Delivery on the USPS web site.  This will allow you to receive a photo of the front of any letter sized mail you are receiving.  You can see the front of your AWSD billing post card through this service.



Auto Withdrawal Application.pdf